On the Road Again: Travel Tips for Grandparents

With summer coming, it’s the time when many Americans start thinking about summer travel plans, whether that means beach time, touring a national park, or even traveling across the ocean to experience the culture in a different country. Summer travel season is also the time when many grandparents enjoy excursions with their grandchildren. A fun […]
Disability Insurance and Your Financial Plan

It would be difficult to find a breadwinner in any family who doesn’t understand the importance of life insurance in providing protection for those dependent on their income in the event of their passing. Likewise, most of us wouldn’t even consider buying a home without properly insuring the house against disaster or mishap (and our […]
Shifting the Burden: Long-Term Care Insurance and Your Financial Plan

According to recent reports, elder financial abuse is on the rise, costing elderly Americans an estimated $36.5 billion in 2020 alone, according to statistics gathered by the National Council on Aging. Some estimates indicate that about one in three older Americans has been cheated in the past five years. An official at the Institute on […]
Wildfire Insurance for Your Home:<br>What You Need to Know

Whether you blame climate change, human carelessness, or some other underlying cause, there’s no denying that wildfires have been increasingly in the news the last few years. And with the combination of urban sprawl and the growth in popularity of “ranchettes” as either weekend getaways or primary dwellings offering respite from the bustle of the […]