After “I Do”: Estate Planning for Newlyweds

Getting married is one of life’s watershed events; few other things usher in as many changes, adjustments—and joys—as starting a new home with the person you love most in the world. The days and weeks after the wedding are typically filled with dozens of decisions and changes: moving into a new home, combining your “stuff,” […]

“This Changes Everything”: How an Inheritance Affects Your Financial Plan

Several years ago, a friend of ours was in the audience as novelist John Grisham related the story of how he “made it.” According to Grisham, he had recently turned in the manuscript for what would become his breakout bestseller The Firm. It was a Sunday morning, and he was preparing to teach the kindergarten […]

Diversification: Your Best Tool for Managing Portfolio Risk

There’s an old story that goes like this: two farmers are sitting in the feed store, talking over the prospects for the coming season. One says to the other, “How’s your cotton crop looking?” The other replies, “I didn’t plant cotton; I’m too worried about the boll weevils.” “Well,” the other says, “then I guess […]

Retirement Newbie: Creating a Smooth Transition for your First Year

Retirement is a goal many Americans are eagerly looking forward to achieving, and why not? After all, you’ve worked and planned for the time when you will be able to spend your time more on your terms, occupying yourself with the people and activities that are most important to you. You should look forward to […]

Travel Safety and Health Tips for Seniors

For many of us, summer time is fun and travel time. With the longer days and generally good weather, it’s a perfect time to take a trip to that destination you’ve been wanting to explore. For retirees, travel is often a major feature of an enjoyable retirement lifestyle. And without the time constraints imposed by […]

Embracing Retirement: Live a Fulfilling Retirement Lifestyle

Ready to craft a fulfilling retirement? Embrace a new chapter of life brimming with opportunities for self-exploration and independence. Our article, “Preparing for Your “Next Act”: It’s More About Money” provides tips to guide your journey. Now, we share ideas for living your best retirement, including how to strike a balance between planning and making […]

Preparing for Your “Next Act”: It’s about More Than Money

Retirement You’ve worked and planned for it for years, and it’s right around the corner: retirement. You’ve budgeted, kept a close eye on your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement accounts, you’ve estimated your income from Social Security and pensions, and you’re ready to ease into a time in life when you can spend more time […]

On the Road Again: Travel Tips for Grandparents

With summer coming, it’s the time when many Americans start thinking about summer travel plans, whether that means beach time, touring a national park, or even traveling across the ocean to experience the culture in a different country. Summer travel season is also the time when many grandparents enjoy excursions with their grandchildren. A fun […]

Disability Insurance and Your Financial Plan

It would be difficult to find a breadwinner in any family who doesn’t understand the importance of life insurance in providing protection for those dependent on their income in the event of their passing. Likewise, most of us wouldn’t even consider buying a home without properly insuring the house against disaster or mishap (and our […]